AUSPUBLAW welcomes all submissions on Australian public law issues. Academics, practitioners and other public law writers are encouraged to make a submission. We will also consider submissions on public law issues arising in foreign and international jurisdictions that have comparative relevance for Australia.
The editorial team is looking for topical, high-quality and balanced pieces that use clear, engaging and accessible language suitable for an interested audience of lawyers and non-lawyers. Blogs will typically be 1500-2500 words, although we will consider longer posts. AUSPUBLAW is committed to publishing posts of the highest quality, and all posts received will be subject to review and editing by the team of AUSPUBLAW editors.
To submit a piece for consideration by the Australian Public Law Blog’s editors, or to discuss your idea, please email auspublaw@unsw.edu.au
Sharing pieces published on AUSPUBLAW
AUSPUBLAW encourages the sharing of posts published on its page. Should you wish to share a piece, we ask that you attribute AUSPUBLAW as the initial publisher of the work, and include a link to the blog at www.auspublaw.org