Leslie Gonye is a former Deputy Clerk of the NSW Legislative Assembly, having retired in February 2023.

Les joined the staff of the Legislative in 1978. In 1987 he was being appointed Second Clerk-Assistant to become a Clerk-at-the-Table. He subsequently, held the positions of Clerk-Assistant, Table, Clerk Assistant, Committees, Serjeant-at-Arms and Deputy Clerk in 2016. Mr Gonye’s service culminated with more than 33 years as a Clerk-at-the-Table.

Les is also a very keen supporter of the Australia and New Zealand Association of Clerks-at-the-Table (ANZACATT). As an active member he held various offices, including on the executive as Vice President and President in 2020. He was also a regular contributor at annual ANZACATT professional development seminars and presented numerous papers.

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