
Terrorism and Parole in the High Court

Cherry Tang and Eden Blair

In June 2024, the High Court handed down its decision in R v Hatahet [2024] HCA 23 (HCA Judgment) on appeal from the New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal (CCA) decision in Hatahet v R [2023] NSWCCA 305 (CCA judgment). The High Court unanimously held that a reduced chance of parole as a result of the operation of s 19ALB of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (Crimes Act) cannot be taken into account in sentencing. Even though terrorist offenders are extremely unlikely to be released on parole, sentencing courts cannot take this into consideration when setting the length of the head sentence and the non-parole period. Section 19ALB requires exceptional circumstances be proven before someone who has committed a terrorism offence can be granted parole. This holding overturned the CCA decision that a sentence served with almost no chance of parole constitutes a more onerous period of imprisonment and, in this case, warranted a reduction in the head sentence.

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DPP v Smith: A Fresh Appetite To Consider Section 32(1) Of The Charter?

Kent Blore

The High Court handed down Momcilovic v The Queen [2011] HCA 34; (2011) 245 CLR 1 (Momcilovic) well over a decade now. That means it has been more than a decade since the High Court last grappled with the difficult questions of when and how legislation should be interpreted in a way that is compatible with human rights. The High Court recently returned to these vexed questions in the case of DPP v Smith [2024] HCA 32; (2024) 98 ALJR 1163 (Smith).

The issue in the case was whether a broad statutory discretion authorised a trial judge to meet privately with the complainant of child sex offences in the absence of the accused before she gave her evidence. That begged the question of whether the broad statutory discretion needed to be read down to ensure that it was compatible with human rights, including the right to a fair hearing, as required by the interpretive clause in s 32(1) of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) (the Charter).

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Public works and private duties – the roles of the judiciary and the legislature in Attorney-General (Tas) v Casimaty [2024] HCA 31

Patrick Hossack

On the outskirts of Hobart Airport, where Holyman Avenue and Cranston Road meet the Tasman Highway, construction is set to begin on a new interchange. A Parliamentary Committee has considered and reported on the plans, clearing the way for work to begin. An aggrieved resident, claiming an interest in land adjacent to Cranston Parade, alleges that the works to be undertaken are not in fact the works that were considered by the Committee—the costs don’t add up, the roundabouts are absent, the works are in fact unlawful. This resident takes action against the contractors to prevent them proceeding. The State intervenes, seeking in turn to prevent the Court interrogating the contents of the Committee report to ascertain if the works contained within it are those same works currently taking place on the outskirts of Hobart Airport. The Committee has reported, and there can be no assessment of the contents of that report to contrast with the actual bitumen being laid under its auspices—even if the roundabouts are missing.

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ASF17 v Commonwealth and the illusion of choice

Anna Talbot

ASF17 v Commonwealth [2024] HCA 19 (ASF17 v Commonwealth) is the latest judgment of the High Court of Australia in the hotly contested space of immigration detention. With this case,the High Court reaffirmed that indefinite immigration detention remains available in Australia. Its permissible use has narrowed, however, when compared with the law prior to the High Court’s ruling in NZYQ v Minister for Immigration [2023] HCA 37 (NZYQ). In determining whether immigration detention is valid, ASF17 v Commonwealth tells us that the circumstances and motivations of the plaintiff is key. However, the ruling hinges on a troubling concept of ‘choice’, the consequence of which is that people who are at risk of persecution or death if they are deported can remain indefinitely detained if they refuse to be deported to such risks. This post examines the history leading up to the decision in ASF17 v Commonwealth, unpacking the facts and arguments made by the parties and how they were responded to by the Court. While the case is problematic, in that it permits indefinite detention based on choices that no person should be expected to make, it also offers insights which might serve to assist those seeking release from indefinite immigration detention in the future.

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Native title, s 51(xxxi) and conceptual carve-outs: why ‘inherent defeasibility’ is inherently unworkable

Lael K Weis

Like the other contributors to this series, I had the privilege of travelling to Darwin to attend the High Court hearings for Commonwealth v Yunupingu (D5/2023) on August 7th, 8th and 9th. This post offers a set of reflections based on attending those hearings.  My focus is on the second ground of the appeal: namely, whether native title rights fall outside the scope of s 51(xxxi) because they are ‘inherently defeasible’.  This issue consumed most of the parties’ time and attention in argument over these three days, and my instinct is that the appeal is likely to be determined on this basis. 

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Commonwealth v Yunupingu: A Constitutional Case Testing Commonwealth Liability for Aboriginal Dispossession

Sean Brennan

For more than 40 years, cases initiated by Aboriginal people have tested the interpretation of key constitutional provisions in Australia’s highest court. Since Mabo v Queensland (No 2), the High Court of Australia has also been instrumental in defining and confining possibilities for what First Nations groups might achieve through the vehicle of native title. That has included ten test cases on extinguishment law, the Yorta Yorta decision that set a high legal bar for proving continuity of connection, and the Timber Creek case about statutory rights to compensation for the extinguishment of native title.

Another such moment of reckoning has arrived for First Nations people, and for the High Court in the development of native title law and its interpretation of the Constitution.

On 9 August, the High Court sitting in Darwin reserved judgment on the answer to three questions of law posed on appeal in Commonwealth v Yunupingu. This blog post will explore what the litigation is about, how the parties argued their position in Darwin and why the case is significant.

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Improving Anti-Corruption Oversight: AB v IBAC and Beyond

William Partlett

In February 2024, the High Court held in AB v IBAC [2024] HCA 10 that individuals facing an ‘adverse’ finding in a report issued by Victoria’s anti-corruption commission, the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (‘IBAC’), must be given broad access to the evidentiary material that justified that finding. In response, commentators have worried that this kind of ruling would damage the public interest, slowing down the release of anti-corruption reports while individuals litigate their ability to adequately respond to allegations.

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Departmental advice in ministerial decision-making: Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs v McQueen [2024] HCA 11

Janina Boughey

Anyone who has worked in a government department for more than a brief period knows how much ministers differ in their interest in their portfolio, diligence, and competence. The best ones (from a departmental staffer’s perspective, at least) are efficient, yet seem to be across all of the important details, which they might demonstrate by asking pointed questions which raise issues the department may not have considered. Others are quick, but one gets a sense that they might not have really engaged with issues in their portfolio—that they are simply doing a ‘tick and flick’. They might, for instance, require all briefings to be less than a page long which, on complex policy issues, means leaving out important details and nuances. Then there are ministers who pore laboriously over every detail of even the most mundane, routine decisions.

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What If?: LPDT v MICMSMA [2024] HCA 12

Douglas McDonald-Norman

In order to determine whether a decision is affected by jurisdictional error, a court must ask two questions. Has an error occurred, in breach of the statutory conferral of power to make that decision? And, if so, was that error material to the decision-maker’s ultimate exercise of power? For an error to be material, an applicant for review must establish that there is a realistic possibility that, if not for the error, the decision-maker’s ultimate exercise of power could have been different.

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Executive complaints against judges

Jerry Leung, Maxen Williams, and Kevin Zou

Last month, it was reported that the Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions, Kerri Judd KC, had made complaints to the Judicial Commission of Victoria about two judges: Justice Lasry of the Supreme Court of Victoria, and Judge Chettle of the County Court of Victoria. In the complaint against Lasry J, the Solicitor for Public Prosecutions, Abbey Hogan, alleged that his Honour’s criticisms of the VDPP in DPP v Tuteru had ‘the real tendency to diminish [(1)] public confidence in the administration of justice in Victoria [and (2)] the confidence of litigants and the public in general in his Honour’s integrity and impartiality’. Shortly after being made aware of the complaint, Lasry J in open court announced that he would resign even though he ‘utterly rejected’ the allegations made against him.

In this post, we do not make any comment on the merits of the complaints against Lasry J and Judge Chettle. Rather, taking a step back from the Victorian saga, we argue that there are strong normative and legal reasons as to why the executive should exercise restraint before making a formal complaint against a judge. We begin by explaining why formal complaints made by the executive against the judiciary should be the exception rather than the norm. This is followed by an illustration of the other mechanisms available for securing judicial accountability that better uphold a culture of comity between the executive and the judiciary

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The Weight of Expectations: Ismail v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs [2024] HCA 2

Chris Honnery

In Ismail v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs [2024] HCA 2, a five-judge bench of the High Court sitting in its original jurisdiction considered the construction, validity, and operation of Direction 90, a written direction given by the Minister to guide decision‑makers in exercising powers under s 501 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth).

This post focuses on two of the aspects of the High Court’s unanimous judgment that will have broader ramifications for decisions to refuse or cancel visas on character grounds.

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Juvenile offending, convictions and visa cancellation: Thornton and Lesianawai

Kate Bones

The deportation of people who have lived in Australia for most of their lives – since they were children, or sometimes infants – has become an increasing feature of Australian immigration law over the last few decades. Two recent decisions of the High Court address a particular aspect of that practice: the consideration in visa cancellation decisions of offences committed when a person was a child.

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High Court, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog High Court, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog

ART Appointments: Is this the start of something beautiful?

Joe McIntyre

Judicial (and quasi-judicial) appointments  are one of those topics that judicial scholars can get really animated about, but which for the majority of the public and political classes is a bit of a nothing burger. We are blessed in this country with a judiciary with a well-deserved high reputation for quality and integrity.

It takes something pretty extraordinary for the public to care about judicial appointments, and for the media to pay any attention. Unfortunately, the recent history of appointments to the AAT provides just such a cautionary tale.

This post unpacks that background context of the role politicised appointments played in the death of the AAT, before examining how the ART Bill reforms Tribunal appointment procedures. In the final part, it explores the potential broader implications of these new processes.

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High Court, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog High Court, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog

The exclusion of aliens under federal law: Analysing the impact of NZYQ, Alexander and Benbrika

Sangeetha Pillai

The Australian Constitution has a rather infamous track record when it comes to exclusion. Sometimes it excludes through silence. For example, since 1967 there has been no mention of First Nations peoples within its pages. It has very little to say about rights protection. It makes no reference to a national citizenship (but it does mention foreign citizens, if only to exclude them from Parliament).

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High Court, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog High Court, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog

NZYQ: A new style of unanimous judgment for the High Court of Australia

Stephen McDonald SC

Much has been, and will continue to be, written about the substance of NZYQ v MICMA and its implications, both political and legal. This post focusses on some notable features of the judgment itself: in particular, the presentation of a single judgment joined in by all Judges, but which identifies individual positions taken by some of those Judges.

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‘For every wrong, there is a remedy’: the availability of mandamus against federal court judges and other alternatives to judicial injustice 

Jerry To

The recent judgment of the Federal Court of Australia in Smart Education Program Pty Ltd (in liq) v CLGC Australia Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 826 (Smart Education) has raised much consternation. At first glance, the case appears to be a run-of-the-mill contractual dispute. However, the source of controversy arises from an unexpected source, which concerned not the parties but the conduct of the judges themselves.

Smart Education prompts interesting questions about whether there is any scope in Australian public law to provide relief to the parties in circumstances of undue judicial delay. This article will focus on one such possibility: whether the High Court of Australia could have issued a writ of mandamus compelling the Federal Court to hand down its judgment in a timely manner. This, in turn, raises complex questions going to the very heart of the operation of the federal judiciary and the High Court’s ability to regulate their conduct.

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High Court, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog High Court, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog

Structure over Text: the High Court splits on constitutional implications 

Harry Sanderson

Many foundational principles of Australian public law arise from constitutional implications, to the extent that that within the Constitution ‘much of the greatest importance is implied’ (McGraw-Hinds (Aust) Pty Ltd v Smith at 668 (Murphy J)). In Zurich Insurance Company Ltd & Anor v Koper & Anor [2023] HCA 25 (Zurich), the High Court unanimously rejected an argument identifying a novel constitutional implication. The Court was divided, however, on the proper approach to drawing implications within the Constitution. That division maps onto longstanding debates regarding the proper approach to constitutional interpretation.

This post considers the different approach taken by each judgment on the point of implications in light of the dominant methodology of textualism, and questions the distinction between text and structure which informs their reasoning.

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The Trump Card: ENT19 v Minister for Home Affairs [2023] HCA 18

Douglas McDonald-Norman

‘The national interest’ is a broad concept, and ‘largely a political question’. Decision-makers ordinarily enjoy considerable discretion in deciding what is and is not in ‘the national interest’. But in its recent judgment in ENT19 v Minister for Home Affairs [2023] HCA 18, by a narrow majority of 4 to 3, the High Court identified and reiterated important limits to what factors may be relevant in deciding whether it is in the ‘national interest’ to grant a protection visa.

This post will set out the factual and procedural history to this matter and analyse the majority’s reasoning in ENT19. This post will then examine the potential implications of this judgment for the scope of the term ‘national interest’, and for ENT19 himself.

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Gremlins, Borgs, and judicial impartiality in multi-member courts: QYFM v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2023] HCA 15 

Sarah Fulton and Geneviève Murray

Judicial impartiality — and within that, an absence of bias — is at the heart of the Australian judicial system and central to how judges see themselves. But while serving and retired judges of the High Court have had a lot to say about when judicial bias arises, they have (with some notable exceptions, as noted in the ALRC Judicial Impartiality Report, p 234) said little publicly about how such matters should be raised with and considered by the courts. Until now.

In QYFM v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2023] HCA 15 (‘QYFM’), judges of the High Court not only clarified the law on apprehended bias as it applies to a judge who was previously involved in the prosecution of a party, but also took the opportunity to set out their views on the processes for determining issues of bias raised in multi-member courts (such as Courts of Appeal, Full Courts, or the High Court itself).

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High Court, Native title, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog High Court, Native title, Constitutional law AUSPUBLAW Blog

The Constitutional Relationships Between 'Just Terms' Acquisition, Territories, and Native Title: Yunupingu on behalf of the Gumatj Clan or Estate Group v Commonwealth of Australia

Aaron Moss

On 22 May 2023, the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia (Mortimer CJ, Moshinsky and Banks-Smith JJ) delivered judgment in Yunupingu on behalf of the Gumatj Clan or Estate Group v Commonwealth of Australia [2023] FCAFC 75 (Yunupingu), a decision regarding the intersection between native title and constitutional law.  

This post explores aspects of the Court's decision, and outlines their significance for public lawyers more generally.  

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