Call for Expressions of Interest

Joining the editorial team of AUSPUBLAW

(hosted by Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law & AACL)

We are seeking expressions of interest from final year LLB or JD students, LLM or HDR law students, or others with relevant legal qualifications and experience from across Australia to join the AUSPUBLAW editorial team. We are looking for people who could start in from mid-June, or in August 2022 (exact starting date can be negotiated). The expectation is that this would be a two-year role.  LLB, JD and LLM students would be applying for a position as Associate Editor, paid at the UNSW Law and Justice RA Level 3 Step 1 ($39.98/hour). HDR students would be applying for the role of AUSPUBLAW joint editor, paid at the Level 4 Step 1 rate ($45.89/hour).

The Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law and the Australian Association of Constitutional Law are proud to host the AUSPUBLAW blog as an important example of national public law engagement. The blog is a go-to source for up-to-the-minute and high quality scholarship and commentary about Australian public law. The AUSPUBLAW editorial team is overseen by the Blog Coordinator, currently Professor Gabrielle Appleby, and in January 2023, Associate Professor Lisa Burton Crawford will return to the role. The team is usually comprised on 1-2 Joint Editors, and may be assisted by an Associate Editor, and a research assistant who compiles the events round-up. The editorial team is able to draw upon the assistance of an advisory committee comprised of Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law members and fellows, and members of the AACL.

Each of these roles comprise of a mix of editorial, logistical and technical tasks, primarily:

  • commissioning blog posts in accordance with a publishing protocol which ensures a mixture of responses to recent developments/cases and posts sharing academic research, across the broad spectrum of public law (constitutional law, administrative law, Indigenous legal issues, environmental law issues with public law dimensions, etc);

  • reviewing uncommissioned posts sent to AUSPUBLAW general email to determine suitability for the blog;

  • commissioning 1-2 book forums (collection of 2-3 short commentaries on a recently published book in the field of public law) per year;

  • supervising the RA to complete a monthly “round up” of public law events;

  • editing commissioned posts (editors will assume responsibility for high-level editing of blog posts for clarity, expression, basic accuracy, etc);

  • ensuring that all posts, along with author details, are uploaded to the blog website; and

  • publicising the activities of the blog through social media.

The work involved in these roles is somewhat unevenly spread across the year, but averages approx. 2.5-3 hours per fortnight over a 44-48 week period. Please note the blog will typically go on a 4-8 week hiatus over the Christmas/New Year period, depending on the availability of the editors.

Applications: Please apply by 5pm, Monday, 30 May, and send a 500 word summary of why you want to join the AUSPUBLAW team, and a short CV of no more than 2 pages to Professor Gabrielle Appleby (

For more information about the role, please contact Gabrielle.


“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you … my jurisdiction keeps dropping out” Citta Hobart Pty Ltd v Cawthorn [2022] HCA 16


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